Why Should Eat Antidepressants?

Questions like the above often come to me when meeting with patients in the clinic. Patients are usually asked if he needed to eat drugs to cope with her condition.Use of antidepressant drugs in the case of anxiety disorder can be up to 12 months after symptoms improve. This is to prevent a recurrence.

Most patients who come to my practice is experiencing an anxiety disorder with panic anxiety disorder ranks the most. Patients who come usually have problems for several months to years.

Personal and social living conditions usually have decreased. Patient anxiety panic often difficult to even leave the house alone and must be accompanied by someone else. Not to mention the physical symptoms known as psychosomatic complaints that often makes the patient uncomfortable with herself. The cases are mostly coming is chronic and never experienced prior treatment but recovered well. Many factors result in incomplete healing. One of them was taking medication adherence.

Drugs should be eaten regularlyTreatment of patients with panic and anxiety disorders experiencing psychosomatic symptoms is advised when using antidepressant medication sertraline group or class of SSRIs other types. The past and even today, drug use anticemas (anxiolytic) is still often the treatment. However, because the effect is often difficult to remove and the tolerance of the use of anxiolytic especially timeless short half-life (the drug is depleted short tenure in the blood) is often avoided.

Alprazolam known for the case of anxiety disorders, especially panic quickly able to treat panic attacks came as well to consider its use. Most are not recommended more than 8 weeks with either low doses. Unfortunately, in the literature and clinical experiences were noted by some experts, the use of alprazolam for panic anxiety disorder patients require higher doses.

Unfortunately, it is simple to increase its use especially in patients with a history of alcohol and other narcotic substances. Currently, patients with anxiety disorders such as panic disorder depression are also more advisable to use the SSRI class of antidepressants. Effectiveness and good tolerabilitasnya makes this drug the first choice at the moment.

The effect is to stabilize the condition of the brain chemical serotonin is mainly related to providing patient outcomes have improved conditions in anxiety symptoms. One thing to keep in mind the patients was compared with benzodiazepine drugs including Alprazolam, the effects of antidepressant drugs such as sertraline longer cause effects on the patient. Anticemasnya effect will be more work in the second week up to four. Patients also often experience uncomfortable side effects such as head hard, nausea and sexual dysfunction such as decreased libido and ejaculation difficult for men.

However, the drug should be continued. I once read one blog psychiatrist in the United States who writes better why antidepressants are prescribed by a psychiatrist alias psychiatrist. That is because the psychiatrists better understand the effects of drugs and possible side effects. In the United States we know your GP may prescribe an antidepressant medication but often insufficient knowledge. Patients often complain of side effects and doctors rush to stop using drugs. In fact, the side effects will disappear over time.

Old note taking medicationPatients also must obey besides taking medication every day also need to take the drug in a certain period. If we see scientific references from the United States, the use of antidepressants in cases of anxiety disorder can be up to 12 months after symptoms improve. This is to prevent a recurrence.

Some other literature say enough 6 months after improvement occurs. Many patients feel comfortable in the early weeks after stopping treatment. This is what needs to be remembered and avoided by the patient in order not to relapse and have to repeat the treatment from the beginning. I hope this information is useful. Greetings Healthy Life

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